Finger expansion joint
Finger expansion joints are designed to handle displacements from 80 mm to 1,200 mm and consist of steel finger plates, CR plates, anchor bolts, and other components.
Rubber plates are placed on the telescopic steel and anchor bolts help secure the entire structure. The direction of the fingers is in line with the direction of vehicle travel, which reduces noise and improves driver comfort.
Finger expansion joints are suitable for new and existing bridges. They are also a good choice for large-span bridges and have good application effects in the reconstruction of old bridges.
Finger expansion joints are widely used between steel box girders, between concrete beams, and between steel box girders and concrete beams. Finger expansion joints can also be used on highways.

Simple structure and low height.
Minimize noise and vibration.
Maximize the vehicle’s driving stability.
Highly waterproof (equipped with waterproof device).
Low cost and cost-effective.
Widely used.
Easy to install.